Tha Polypropylene na Polyrm Thermoplastic air a dhèanamh bho Polymeristation of Proplene. Tha strì àrd-teas làidir ann am Polypropynene (nas motha na Polyethylene), elasticity math, rigidity agus an comas a bhith a 'briseadh a-steach gun bhriseadh. Tha dùmhlachd ìosal aige cuideachd (a 'dèanamh solas), comas inslastating àrd agus seasamh math air oxidants agus ceimigean.
Tha Polypropylene air a chleachdadh ann a bhith a 'dèanamh suidheachain càrachaidh, sìoltachain, cuisean airson àirneis, cuileanan pacaichte agus aodach teicnigeach. Le inneal gearradh laser, faodar Polypropylene a ghearradh gu h-iongantach agus an càileachd as fheàrr. Tha oirean rèidh agus làn-chrìochnaichte aig a 'ghearradh gun làthaireachd losgadh no carbad.
The contactless process made possible by the laser beam, the distortion-free cutting that occurs as a result of the process, as well as the high level of flexibility and accuracy, are all compelling reasons in favor of the employment of laser technology in the processing of polypropylene.